Sunday, February 6, 2011

Does "Obama" support the Muslim Brotherhood to reign in Egypt?

Muslim Brotherhood

Does "Obama" support the Muslim Brotherhood to reign in Egypt?

The Cairo, Egypt crisis erupted January 22, 2011 In Protest against President Hosni Murbark dictatorship and tyranny the attempt to impeach President Mubarak  has the World monitoring the situation closely, The United States President Barack Obama Leadership in this crisis and his weakness in Foreign Policies has been detrimental to Egypt, Obama has sided with the opposition parties which includes The Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian President H. Mubarak have been in negotiation this week to resolve the conflict, if an agreement is struck between Egypt and The Muslim Brotherhood it could mean the end of the Middle East Peace Agreement with Israel, America and possible restriction to Middle East access.  The Muslim Brotherhood regime is affiliated with terrorist groups and has a history of extreme violence, the "Hama massacre" in the "80's"proved The Muslim Brotherhoods violent agenda.

The Muslim Brotherhood  claims of non-violence, have a "secret apparatus" They have been  linked to several assassinations throughout the Arab Nations, West Asia and Africa The Brotherhood also supports restoration of Islam by re-establishing the Sharia and they use "physical power and Jihad to abolishing the organizations and authorities of the opposing view and beliefs. They have created and supported  Islamic extremist and terrorist groups such as Hamas  and Al-Qaeda

In the early to mid "80s"  they have assassinated the Prime Minister and President of Egypt although it has been over 20 years the assassinations took place they have continued to be involved in  political crisis and unrest in the Middle East. The current involvement in Egypt has a sense of History repeated itself and in a more aggressive take over this Country that supports Israel and the Untied States.

President Obamas' weakness in foreign Policies has allowed the crisis to escalate.  The Middle East is aware Egypt is our Alli and expected the United States to support the Egyptians and President Mubarak and assist in resolving this crisis,  but President Obama was lacking the Leadership needed to assist Egypt resolve the revolt. Now with the missed opportunity to help shape the outcome of this crisis and the economic ramifications.  We can only hope that President Mubarak will be able to keep his Country from Islamic extremist inspite of President Obamas' Leadership failure.

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