Saturday, February 19, 2011


Incredible, Shocked in America!  The Wisconsin protest have plummeted to a new low! see videos noted below posted on twitter by:

Michelle Malkin 2/18/2011
RT @: Video: Doctors handing out fake sick excuses to union protesters in Wisconsin

We are back to the Chicago good ole' boys: When I viewed the above videos it was alarming and it reminded me what kind of Country we have become with this Chicago teamster cartel  president that killed cheated and lied to get into the White House "Obama"  along with a treasonous union and employees are bad example for our children. They have taken them out of class to protest, in their innocents they did not even know why the teacher brought them to the protest or the purpose of the protest,  They also have lied called in sick and solicited fraudulent doctor excuse.
Is that  the example we want for our children to follow; greed, lies, unpatriotic behavior,  fraudulently report to Federal Education and Government Officials?  These teacher deserve to be fired if this protest is successful justice will prevail fortunately they will all lose their jobs

Obama and the Unions have continued to alarm Americans  with crooked conduct, shady behavior and questionable politics, Obama has  become the face of this Wisconsin Protest.  The Teachers, Unions, representatives, democrats and politicians have resorted to fraudulent illegal practises in an attempt to save the Union, they called in sick when in fact they were well enough to be out protesting,  and they have facilitated and accepted fraudulent quack doctors excuses, what does that tell our children?

Do they not know America is watching?  they don't even hide their illegal conduct it is done in public. The Governor should fire the teachers on the spot, and not  let them in a classroom with students. These teachers are disturbed and lacking in principle, honor and integrity and are morely bankrupt.

Obama is always on the wrong side of issues he  has come out against a fiscal conservative Governor in his attempt to lower debt and save his State.  America is ashamed of the Democrats that run and teacher that lie. Obama is appearing less than presidential and wrong for America.  The White House needs a strong, respectable Patriotic President and Obama is not the one.  All Obama has done is denigrate America, at home and in the world.

Wisconsin Governor elect Scott Walker has shown incredible dignity and strength  standing strong for the people of his state that elected him to save the State from economic collapse. Republican Governor Walker has met with resistance from the union and teacher however America is behind him. The Governor is aware of the teachers, doctors and union member involved in these illegal practises it is certain that they will most likely face criminal charges along with lose their jobs for their fraudulent illegal behavior.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Obama the one the Arab World was waiting for

The Arab President
 The King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia is  Sunni-Islamic and believes in Sharia law. He called President Obama on January 29, 2011 regarding the uprising in Egypt he warned Obama not to support the President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak and requested  he step down, Abdulla also demanded President Obama not to withdraw the $1.5 Billion dollar aid the United States sends to Egypt, Abdulla threaten  if he did  Saudi would Bank roll Egypt themselves. The conversation was tense and left the White House paralyzed.  President Obama complied, he gave a news release and speech  calling for Hosni Mubarak to step down immediately and sided with the Egyptian protesters. President Obama is bought and bribed into submission.

In exchange for President Obama support to remove Hosni Mubarak from power he was promised financial support for the 2012 Presidential election, Obama also received support in the 2008 Presidential election.  In a statement made by Mu'ammar Al-Gaddafi, the socialist de facto leader of Libya, during a speech on June 11 2008, suppoting Obama he claimed "they gave contributions to Obamas' 2008 campaign" and endorsed him as President of the United States calling him his Muslim brother. youtube]

President Obama is desperately seeking re-elections as President in the 2012 election not for the good of America but for the power, money and to advance his progressive agenda, in addition to extend support to the Muslims, Islamic agenda, Obama invited The Muslim Brotherhood to the Cairo Speech on June 4, 2009 as an act of unity.  Obama enjoys the luxurious life style of royalty, he spent $200 million dollars a day on a 10 day trip to India accompanied by friends, family and an entourage of 3,000. While the economy in the United States is as bad as Egypt, and  Americans are losing their jobs, homes and security, Obama continues to spend and  live like a Royal King. Along with the excessive spending he continued to put America in danger complying with the demands of the Arab Kings and supporting the Muslim, Islamic beliefs, He is loyal not to America but to his roots and religion he practised growing up in Indonesia. I give credit to the Egyptian people they took action, we Americans on 2012 should have the fortitude to do the same.

Abdullah has shown great support for Obama's presidency. "Thank God for bringing Obama to the presidency," he said, adding that Obama's election created "great hope" in the Muslim world.[20] He stated, "We (the U.S. and Saudi Arabia) spilled blood together" in Kuwait and Iraq and Saudi Arabia valued this tremendously and friendship can be a difficult issue that requires work but the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have done it for 70 years over three generations. "Our disagreements don't cut to the bone," he stated.[21] He was the leading gift-giver to Obama in Obama's first two years in office. Obama, his family, and and staff were showered with jewelery, ornaments, and rare books worth more than $300,000 from Abdullah. The King gave Obama, his wife, and daughters nearly $190,000 in luxury gems. A ruby and diamond jewelery set, given by the king to Michelle Obama, was worth $132,000. [22] [wikipedia]

President Obama bows to King Abdullah giving homage and allegiance to his Kingship as a good Muslim should. Obama will help the Arab World  assure in a new World order (if we Americans allow it) he is the one they have been waiting for,  it has been prophesied according to their beliefs.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Does "Obama" support the Muslim Brotherhood to reign in Egypt?

Muslim Brotherhood

Does "Obama" support the Muslim Brotherhood to reign in Egypt?

The Cairo, Egypt crisis erupted January 22, 2011 In Protest against President Hosni Murbark dictatorship and tyranny the attempt to impeach President Mubarak  has the World monitoring the situation closely, The United States President Barack Obama Leadership in this crisis and his weakness in Foreign Policies has been detrimental to Egypt, Obama has sided with the opposition parties which includes The Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian President H. Mubarak have been in negotiation this week to resolve the conflict, if an agreement is struck between Egypt and The Muslim Brotherhood it could mean the end of the Middle East Peace Agreement with Israel, America and possible restriction to Middle East access.  The Muslim Brotherhood regime is affiliated with terrorist groups and has a history of extreme violence, the "Hama massacre" in the "80's"proved The Muslim Brotherhoods violent agenda.

The Muslim Brotherhood  claims of non-violence, have a "secret apparatus" They have been  linked to several assassinations throughout the Arab Nations, West Asia and Africa The Brotherhood also supports restoration of Islam by re-establishing the Sharia and they use "physical power and Jihad to abolishing the organizations and authorities of the opposing view and beliefs. They have created and supported  Islamic extremist and terrorist groups such as Hamas  and Al-Qaeda

In the early to mid "80s"  they have assassinated the Prime Minister and President of Egypt although it has been over 20 years the assassinations took place they have continued to be involved in  political crisis and unrest in the Middle East. The current involvement in Egypt has a sense of History repeated itself and in a more aggressive take over this Country that supports Israel and the Untied States.

President Obamas' weakness in foreign Policies has allowed the crisis to escalate.  The Middle East is aware Egypt is our Alli and expected the United States to support the Egyptians and President Mubarak and assist in resolving this crisis,  but President Obama was lacking the Leadership needed to assist Egypt resolve the revolt. Now with the missed opportunity to help shape the outcome of this crisis and the economic ramifications.  We can only hope that President Mubarak will be able to keep his Country from Islamic extremist inspite of President Obamas' Leadership failure.

ScapeGoat-Obama's learned behavior- blame others for his incompetence

CNN reports President Obama is blaming the the Intelligence Agencies, Claiming they did not do their job in alerting him to the crisis in Egypt.

Yet another blame game every time he manages to show just how incompetent and not qualified he is  for the Office of President, the scapegoat theories Begin.

Obama has yet to takes responsibility for his inability to perform, the spin deny, deny and blame others by his Administration and the progressive media takes over and the cover up begins. In his own words with one of his other debacles He stated "The buck stops here" yet the spin continues. President Obama can not admit this Office is above his pay grade-

 Where was he when the crisis began? the world was looking for leadership from the United States, the President was not heard from for days! he was Missing in Action (MIA) or AWOL the Commander and Chief  of the United States was hiding behind Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Then he turns against Mubark siding with the protesters, what happened to one of America's proud policies of   "never leave a man behind?" or in this case an Alli, He handled this crisis in an alarmingly treacherous manner.

There is a case to be made of the 30 years dictatorship and tyranny of President Hosni Mubrak but this crisis was not the time or place, the response by Israel was the most stable and reasonable , allow President Murack to finish his term while establishing democracy and  transitioning toward a new leadership. There is gave danger for the World if Egypt falls into the wrong regime.

President Obama's inaction is reminiscent to the statements made by Former Governor Sarah Palin during the 2008  Presidential campaign  which She reiterated recently in a CBN interview February 4, 2011, regarding the Egypt crisis as follows;

"This is that 3 a.m. White House phone call, and it seems for many of us trying to get that information from our leader in the White House, it seems that call went right to the answering machine."
Palin's reference to a 3 a.m. phone call referred to the 2008 bruising primary battle between now-President Obama and now-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over responsiveness to unexpected foreign policy crises."

The concern of American is indeed who will take that 3am call to the the White House? if there's a nuclear crisis is this the Commander and Chief capable of addressing the challenge? Do we want President Obama in the White House for a second term? Who will he have left to blame?