Michelle Malkin 2/18/2011
RT @MacIverWisc: Video: Doctors handing out fake sick excuses to union protesters in Wisconsin
We are back to the Chicago good ole' boys: When I viewed the above videos it was alarming and it reminded me what kind of Country we have become with this Chicago teamster cartel president that killed cheated and lied to get into the White House "Obama" along with a treasonous union and employees are bad example for our children. They have taken them out of class to protest, in their innocents they did not even know why the teacher brought them to the protest or the purpose of the protest, They also have lied called in sick and solicited fraudulent doctor excuse.
Is that the example we want for our children to follow; greed, lies, unpatriotic behavior, fraudulently report to Federal Education and Government Officials? These teacher deserve to be fired if this protest is successful justice will prevail fortunately they will all lose their jobs
Obama and the Unions have continued to alarm Americans with crooked conduct, shady behavior and questionable politics, Obama has become the face of this Wisconsin Protest. The Teachers, Unions, representatives, democrats and politicians have resorted to fraudulent illegal practises in an attempt to save the Union, they called in sick when in fact they were well enough to be out protesting, and they have facilitated and accepted fraudulent quack doctors excuses, what does that tell our children?
Do they not know America is watching? they don't even hide their illegal conduct it is done in public. The Governor should fire the teachers on the spot, and not let them in a classroom with students. These teachers are disturbed and lacking in principle, honor and integrity and are morely bankrupt.
Obama is always on the wrong side of issues he has come out against a fiscal conservative Governor in his attempt to lower debt and save his State. America is ashamed of the Democrats that run and teacher that lie. Obama is appearing less than presidential and wrong for America. The White House needs a strong, respectable Patriotic President and Obama is not the one. All Obama has done is denigrate America, at home and in the world.
Wisconsin Governor elect Scott Walker has shown incredible dignity and strength standing strong for the people of his state that elected him to save the State from economic collapse. Republican Governor Walker has met with resistance from the union and teacher however America is behind him. The Governor is aware of the teachers, doctors and union member involved in these illegal practises it is certain that they will most likely face criminal charges along with lose their jobs for their fraudulent illegal behavior.