Hot off the press- Appellate Court declares health care unconstitutional! One more defeat for the Democrats. The Country is now wondering how can this Government with a President that claims to be a Constitutional Adjunct Instructor for Harvard sign and pass a bill that does not meet the standards of our Constitution. Now the Presidency, the Democrats and Harvard have lost all credibility and confidence.
President Obama and all the lawyers in the House and Senate should have known this. The lack of dedication from President Obama, the Democrat and Politicians to serve this Great Country honorable is alarming. The incompetence displayed time and time again is impeachable. Training on the job is satisfactory anymore.
The President has had three years to turn things around and change Washington as he campaigned but he has failed nothing has changed. In fact one could site the Chicago good ole boys came to Washington.
they are Lacking statesmanship, dignity, integrity and Patriotism this has compromised the Office President of the United States Nationally and International.
However, We the People do not need term limits or impeachment we have the most powerful tool, "Our Vote" to remove Politicians that are not qualified to represent or hold office in this great Country the Forefathers would turn in their graves to see such treason of the Obama Administration.
We the People "VOTE" to remove this incompetence in Washington America Vote! for a true change we can believe in.
One term President- America needs a true leader!