Monday, May 23, 2011

MSNBC- ED Talking out of his ASS!

Ed is spinning lies desperately trying to attack the Republicans and Paul Ryan budget plan.  It is evident that MSNBC and CNN have lost their journalistic ability to be ethical professional fair truthful and balanced, the ceased to be a credible news media When they became “THE CAMPAING HEADQUORTERS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS DIVISION OF OBAMA 2012 CAMPAIGN.
It is extremely concerning to see MSNBC finest with Rachel Madcow, slobbering succotash Chris Matthew along talking out of his A…….! Ed “The Ed Show” (fecal dump) has polluted the Honorable honest profession of journalism and has corrupted it/ it seems the more apparent it becomes that Obama will not be re-elected the worse corrupt the media tactics become.  Ed was going on and on about Congressman Paul Ryan Budget, and Medicare but they do not report Obama, Pelosi and Reid already raided Medicare $500 Billion to fund Obama care and are now handing out waivers to their lobbyist while  hiding HHR legislation  cost of  Obama care.  The Chicago Politics of Obama and the media hide the truth, watch the link below of the illegal actions of Obama and his cronies.

What ever happen to honest democratic Politics and free elections- Americans have been accosted with an onslaught of disingenuous slanted reporting and corrupt Acorn voter fraud,  With this President, President Obama as leader of this extreme liberal Chicago thug media what can America expect!
Vote America, Vote Obama out 2012

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